What's new?
Hello friends! It's been a long time since I've had updates, but life, including adding 3 children to our family through adoption, has made my writing world put on hold. HOWEVER, I have a few news tid-bits for you.
- Taking a step back and also considering some comments from reviews, I have done some editing on BLOOD OF THE GUARDIAN. The eBook addition is re-released, with some minor plot corrections. So if you have a copy, make sure you update it. If you read via Kindle Unlimited, check it out.
- An audiobook version of LIFE CHARMER is now available! It is so fun! Please, check it out. It is such a fun book to write and now listen to.
- I have released a new early chapter book called KACI LOGAN AND THE DINKY DRAGON. I've had it sitting on my shelf for a while, and I thought I'd give it life for fun! If you have a 1-3rd grader, they might enjoy it.
- I am writing again! Book 3 in the Emissary of Light will be my primary focus. Thank you all for being so patient with me over the years. I can't wait to get back into it again.
LIFE CHARMER: Koda's Quest
Illustrated by Jordan Haynes
The Emissary of Light Series
Works in Progress
Emissary of Light (Bk 3): First Draft
Untitled Dragon Book: Outline